The Butterfly


Speaking personally, it’s an honor to come to you with these stories, and today – as we present this story to you – was the day that I saw my first meadowlark for the season. It’s a wonderful day.

But some years ago, when my family was quite a bit younger, we discovered a caterpillar one day out in the flower garden. And you can guess what my children did with him. They caught him, and they put him in one of my wife’s jars with an assorted collection of leaves and twigs, and stuff – stuff for caterpillars – I don’t know.

It wasn’t long before the caterpillar disappeared into a – a chrysalis, I think they call it, suspended from the lid of the jar. Well, for the first little while, he was a novelty and we watched closely – or they did. But soon as the days passed, our attention waned, and we scarcely gave him a glance.

Then one day, everybody was so excited. Where there had been a chrysalis, now there was an enormous beautiful butterfly hanging upside down inside the jar, moving his new wings slowly back and forth. Well, at first we marveled at the delicate and beautiful creature.

But then, our wonder was crushed. His wings! – they were deformed. You see, he was supposed to exit the chrysalis, and while hanging upside down, extend those brand new wings where the force of gravity would stretch them to their full potential. But we had so chocked up his space inside that jar that his wings could not fully extend. Because of our neglect his wings were curled, misshapen, and ugly. He would never take to the wind and fly – never! He would never be what his creator intended him to be. To this day, my friends, I can still see his pitiful quivering form enclosed in that jar. And you know – you might think me crazy but – the disappointment and the guilt of that image still haunts [haunt] me.

Now why do I tell you that? Because, my friends, children are like butterflies. They are a priceless gift given of God. They are infinite power and potential entrusted to us. Oh, how great is our responsibility!

Our challenge as parents is a balance between shielding them too much, and allowing them to face the very forces that would develop their wings of power. It’s no small task.

For all of you struggling parents, it is my conviction that if we parent Heaven’s children with Heaven’s help, we will someday stand stunned at the glory and magnificence of the divine creature that once was our teenager.

May the Lord bless you.

Story Credits

Glenn Rawson – 12 March 2005
Music: Hope, track 4 (edited) – Paul Cardall
Song: Saturday’s Warrior – Soundtrack Chorus – Brian Blosil