Story Transcripts

Glenn Rawson story transcripts are available for at least two weeks following the broadcast date on Sounds of Sunday.

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This Week - March 09, 2025

Water Into Wine

Broadcast Date: March 09, 2025
There is great meaning sometimes in what appears to be the most mundane. The beginning of the Savior’s miracles was the turning of the water into wine – so says the record. There was a wedding, and Jesus and His disciples were invited to it. Sometime late in the festivities, Mary, His mother, came to Him and said, “…They have no wine…

To Overcome

Broadcast Date: March 09, 2025
“To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame...” (1) So said the Lord Jesus to the apostle John. So what is it that we are to overcome? (2) Well, I think this story holds an answer. Joseph was the favored son of his father Jacob. (3) He held the birthright, and though nearly the youngest in…

The Arco Desert Sunrise

Broadcast Date: March 09, 2025
You know it was more than 30 years ago that I saw something I have never forgotten. I’d signed on to cowboy for an outfit that was running cattle out on the Arco Desert in Idaho. Our job was to round those cattle up and bring them into the home ranch for the winter. I remember that that first morning we busted out of camp somewhere…

To Whom Shall We Go?

Broadcast Date: March 09, 2025
It’s hard for some to accept, but nonetheless it’s true, we live in trying times, and if our commitment to Christian discipleship is lukewarm, we will not weather the storms ahead. Considering this sobering fact, there is a story in John 6 that inspires me, especially when the tests and trials seem too much for me to bear. Two and one-…

Adam's Funny TV Show

Broadcast Date: March 09, 2025
One of the fundamental purposes of life is to learn to distinguish good from evil; right from wrong. And you know, that is just sometimes not that easy, especially when evil is so cleverly disguised these days. We were getting ready for bed one night when my son Adam came to me and said, “Dad, can I talk to you?” Now, this is not a…

Last Week

Ko Htwe

Broadcast Date: March 02, 2025
I first encountered this remarkable artist at the Indein outdoor market on the remote reaches of Inle Lake in Shan State in Myanmar. He sat on a raised platform of bamboo under a long-covered portico just below the mysterious ancient stupas of Indein. His clothing, tools, and surroundings were simple to the point of spartan. There were none of the comforts and…

Smile at the Stop Light

Broadcast Date: March 02, 2025
Not long ago, I leaned a lesson about judging other people, and the powerful effect of a smile. It had been a long day. I’d been up since 2:30 A.M., and I was just rolling to a stop at the light next to a line of cars. I chanced to look at the car next to me, and looked right into the innocent face of a beautiful little girl about three or four years of age. To my…

Joseph of Egypt

Broadcast Date: March 02, 2025
I’ve heard it said and I believe it, “It’s better to be trusted than loved.” (David O. McKay) Love may be freely given, but ‘trust’ has to be earned. When we trust the Lord, He can save us. When the Lord can trust us, He can use us. You remember Joseph was sold into Egypt by his brothers. Their cruelty and lies brought unspeakable grief to their father. Once in…

The Nobleman's Son

Broadcast Date: March 02, 2025
May I speak to those of you who find yourself right now in need of God, but aren’t getting the answers you want? One day Jesus came into the little town of Cana of Galilee, where He was met by a nobleman. It seems that this man’s son was dying. And so, desperately he begged Jesus to come down and heal him. Well, the son is 20 miles away in Capernaum. What the father…

The Comforter

Broadcast Date: March 02, 2025
On His last night in mortality, Jesus promised His disciples another comforter. Now, He had been their comforter during His ministry, but now He was going away - but not before He assured them that He would not leave them as orphans. It is no accident of translation that Jesus called the Holy Ghost ‘The Comforter.’ Now, what is this ‘Comforter,’ and how may I receive…