Story Transcripts

Glenn Rawson story transcripts are available for at least two weeks following the broadcast date on Sounds of Sunday.

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This Week - March 23, 2025

Five Loaves & Two Fishes

Broadcast Date: March 23, 2025
There is a story in the New Testament told by all four Gospel writers; it is that important. It is the story of the feeding of the 5000. So much has been said of the remarkable events of that day, but there is one perspective on that day’s miracle that I have only heard once, and that perspective bears repeating.Following the murder of…

The Withered Hand

Broadcast Date: March 23, 2025
Fresh from an encounter with the Pharisees, Jesus came out of the fields and entered the synagogue. He stood up and began to teach. There were Pharisees in the audience bent on accusing him. Also, there was a man in the congregation that had a withered right hand. The man was bait. The Pharisees watched Jesus to see if he would heal the…

Sam Chambers

Broadcast Date: March 23, 2025
April 27, 1870: Samuel and Amanda Chambers arrived in Salt Lake City. They quickly found a home and Samuel began working at a sawmill in Big Cottonwood Canyon. They were taken in by the saints and welcomed. Now, considering that this is a missionary-minded Church, and gathered from all over the world, their arrival would not have been…

Louise and the Wolves

Broadcast Date: March 23, 2025
Summer 1854, somewhere on the high plains of the Oregon Trail: Louise Graehl and her husband George had left the old country to journey to their new home in the American West. They had many adventures out on the trail. Once, for instance, they were caught in a stampede. Their oxen ran crazily across the rough ground, dragging the heavy…

His Blood

Broadcast Date: March 23, 2025
From the moment this earth was formed, it was known that man would make mistakes. It was no surprise that all of us would break eternal laws and fall short of heavenly glory. Thus, a loving father send His first-born son to this earth with an endowment of power and a mission to save us all. For centuries the faithful brought their lambs…

Last Week

Barrel of Bricks

Broadcast Date: March 16, 2025
It occurred to me recently that there are at least three individuals who have very specific plans for us, for our future and for our happiness. Now think about this: The first person that has a plan for you is you. I mean, don’t you want to be happy? I don’t know of too many people who get up in the morning and say, “Ah, let’s see what I can do to make myself…

The Importunate Widow

Broadcast Date: March 16, 2025
Do not ever give up on God, especially in prayer. Jesus once spoke in a parable of an importunate widow. The word ‘importunate’ means that she was persistent to the point of being annoying in asking for help. It seems that someone had unjustly wronged this woman, and with no other recourse, she went to the law for justice. However, the judge that heard her case “……

Mountains of Scriptures

Broadcast Date: March 16, 2025
How many times have you come home from church and said, “I want to be a scriptorian”? And then after a week or two, the passion waned and well, you – you know the rest of the story. If you have ever struggled with loving the scriptures, perhaps this story will help. About 25 years ago I flew for the first time across the Colorado Rockies. I remember I sat at a…

The Butterfly

Broadcast Date: March 16, 2025
Speaking personally, it’s an honor to come to you with these stories, and today – as we present this story to you – was the day that I saw my first meadowlark for the season. It’s a wonderful day. But some years ago, when my family was quite a bit younger, we discovered a caterpillar one day out in the flower garden. And you can guess what my children did with him.…

All Creatures of the Spring

Broadcast Date: March 16, 2025
Welcome to spring. I enjoy spring very much. It’s my favorite time of the year. It seems to me that as the world wakes up from a long winter sleep and springs back to life, it – I don’t know, it just sort of takes my soul with it. I really like this time of year. Just a few days ago, on one of those first warm days of the season, I couldn’t stay inside; I wanted to…