May I speak to those of you who find yourself right now in need of God, but aren’t getting the answers you want?
One day Jesus came into the little town of Cana of Galilee, where He was met by a nobleman. It seems that this man’s son was dying. And so, desperately he begged Jesus to come down and heal him. Well, the son is 20 miles away in Capernaum. What the father wanted was for Jesus, right then and there, to travel to Capernaum and presumably lay His hands on the boy and heal him.
What happened next in the story is intriguing. Instead of commending the man for his faith in coming in the first place, Jesus chides him saying, “…Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” (John 4:48)
What? Well, the man’s not offended, but rather he persists saying, “…Sir, come down ere my child die.” (John 4:49)
Why does Jesus rebuke him? It’s obvious he has faith. But maybe because this man is like so many of us. He came to Jesus for help, telling Jesus where, when, and how that help was to be delivered. In his mind, unless Jesus was physically there in Capernaum, the boy couldn’t be healed. But Jesus is so much more than this man ever imagined. He is Lord of the universe! He has all power, all knowledge; with Him indeed all things are possible. It seems audacious to put God in a box!
Well, Jesus stretching the man’s faith said, “…Go thy way; thy son liveth...” (John 4:50)
The man believed the Lord’s healing word, and he set out for home. On the way, he was met by his servants announcing that his son was indeed on the mend. When he asked them when the boy began to heal, he was informed that it was the seventh hour, the exact same moment that Jesus had spoken.
He went for a miracle of healing, and returned converted to the Gospel – he and all his household. He, like so many of us, can get far more than we set out for – if we’ll just remember – there are no limits to God! He can do anything for us He wants to if we will let Him. His ways are not our ways. They’re better!
I think therefore that you can see that to surrender your stubborn will to God in faith is to set both of you free. Oh, may it be.
Story Credits
Glenn Rawson – March 2007
Music: My Favorite Songs, Volume 1, track 4 (edited) – Marvin Goldstein
Song: No Ordinary Man – Shannon Denton