
Christ Raising the Daughter of Jairus

On one occasion as the Master beached a small boat near Capernaum, He was met by Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue in Capernaum. Jairus’ twelve-year-old daughter was dying. We’re not told why, only that the onward roll of nature that brings death eventually to us all was nigh to claiming this daughter so dearly loved by her father. Desperate to stay nature’s course, Jairus asks the Master to intercede, saying, “… My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her … and she shall live.” (Mark 5:23)

Recognizing that this was real faith, Jesus went with him. While enroot, however, they were met by messengers from Jairus’ house announcing to him that which he least wanted to hear – his daughter had died. Overhearing that dread declaration, Jesus bolsters the grieving father’s faith. “… Be not afraid,” He comforts, “only believe.” (Mark 5:36)

Well, when they arrive at the house, Jesus excuses the paid professional mourners who scorned Him, whose noise was an irksome disruption to the spirit of the Lord. Then, taking with him only Peter, James, and John - and the damsel’s parents, Jesus enters the death chamber. Can you imagine being one of those parents, and the hope you have burning inside of you that Jesus can help?

Taking the girl by the hand He says, “… Damsel, I say unto thee, arise!” (Mark 5:41)

And immediately she arose, and even more, she walks. Again, I can only imagine the inexpressible joy of those parents, and I think I can imagine a warm tender smile on the face of the Master as He witnesses this joyful reunion. After charging them with secrecy that they tell no man of the miracle, He commands them that they should feed this daughter and restore her bodily strength.

I love this story. It’s beautiful. My thoughts to you come more in the form of a question though than a statement. I wonder how many times has nature dictated a disaster to befall our loved ones, and it has been averted because you and I prayed, and called down the powers of a loving God - and He interceded and saved them. How many priceless blessings have you and I received in such a manner and never knew we had? I guess I’m just simple-minded enough to believe that this has happened many times for you and for me. I would hope that we would never underestimate the power of prayer for those we love, that we would never stop praying for them, and thereby placing our loved ones under the umbrella of a loving God’s care each day.

Story Credits

Glenn Rawson – March 1998
Music: O How Lovely Was the Morning, track 9 (edited) – Lex de Azevedo
Song: Daughter Arise – Mackenzie Wright Romreill
Source: Adapted from Mark 5
Painting: Jesus Blessing Jairus’s Daughter (Christ Raising the Daughter of Jairus), by Greg K. Olsen