Not long ago I watched one of my daughters struggle in learning to play the piano. She had developed a habit in her playing that would severely inhibit her ability to learn new music and eventually master the instrument. I watched as her teacher coaxed and pleaded to talk her out of this habit, but my daughter resisted. She could see no sense in giving up her technique when the new technique only seemed a difficult waste of time. I mean after all, to her she could play songs, couldn’t she?
Now, in the Old Testament, there is a philosophically challenging story. All his life Abraham had wanted a son, and finally in his old age, miraculously that covenant son Isaac was born. Abraham rejoiced in his birth.
Then came the day when the voice of the Lord commanded Abraham to “…Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him [up] there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will [shall] tell thee of.” (Genesis 22:2)
Without a hint of procrastination, Abraham rose early the next morning and made his way to the mount there he built the altar, laid the wood, placed Isaac upon it, and stretched forth the knife to kill him.
Now, at first glance this command of God seems cruel and illogical. Why would God ask such a thing, especially since His promises to Abraham concerning posterity depended entirely on Isaac? Could God have asked of a father anything more difficult than to kill his long-awaited son, a son for whom Abraham had such a love that even God mentions it? And to ask such a thing would have been especially repugnant to Abraham who himself had once been laid upon an altar and nearly sacrificed because of his idolatrous father.
Why then does God ask? Is He testing this man who has already given his all, just to test him? Is there something an omniscient God wants to learn about Abraham? No! No, such a thought is ridiculous!
The angel commanded Abraham not to kill his son saying, “…now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.” (Genesis 22:12)
To me the key word is ‘withheld.’ God has designed to crown each of us with more glory, honor, and power than we can possible comprehend at the present time. But He can only do this if we are willing to trust Him completely and not withhold anything from Him. How can we be the master, lest we first be the student? – and a willing one at that.
Abraham’s quick obedience brought forth a quick response from heaven, and Abraham’s joy and faith became as great as was his pain moments earlier.
May each of us be as our ancient father, withholding nothing from God now so that later He will withhold nothing from us.
Story Credits
Glenn Rawson – December 1997
Music: Horizons, track 9 (edited) – Kierre Lewis
Song: Sacrifice – Wanda Lindstrom
Painting: Abraham Taking Isaac to Be Sacrificed, by Del Parson