All Creatures of the Spring

Spring Bee

Welcome to spring. I enjoy spring very much. It’s my favorite time of the year. It seems to me that as the world wakes up from a long winter sleep and springs back to life, it – I don’t know, it just sort of takes my soul with it. I really like this time of year.

Just a few days ago, on one of those first warm days of the season, I couldn’t stay inside; I wanted to go outside. And so for a few minutes I took a group of my students, and we went out on the front step of the building. I don’t know, just on a whim, I asked them to gather in close and sing acapella the hymn, “All Creatures of our God and King.”

Oh, they could sing! As they did so, a beautiful spirit descended upon the little group. They sang in praise and rejoicing of the masterful hand of the master creator. It was powerful; it affected me. As they sang, two squirrels nearby began to romp and play chasing each other. One of them ran practically under our feet, with no fear. It was almost like – I don’t know, it was almost like they understood us, and were celebrating with us.

As my little choir finished, they were subdued and reverent. I asked them to close their eyes, and turn and face the rising sun. They did so, and we all felt the warmth of it on our cheeks. Ah, it felt so good! I asked them then to turn to the north and feel the gentle caress of a slight breeze. They did. I then asked them to be still, and listen to the birds that were singing in the nearby trees. They did.

I don’t know how to describe it, but we felt something – something wonderful; something – heavenly. I declared to them that if they ever want to see the hand of God, they have only to look carefully at His creations. All the earth bears witness in powerful and unmistakable ways of the hand of its creator, especially at this time of year.

Now my friends, there is a God. I know there’s a God, because I have climbed and stood on the high mountains; I’ve watched the sun rise and set; I’ve seen the lightning flash and heard the thunder roll; I’ve sat in a meadow, and studied wildflowers. And again, I want you to know – He’s there, and this earth is His gift!

Story Credits

Glenn Rawson – March 1998
Music: The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning, track 8 (edited) – Lex de Azevedo
Song: Song of the Morning Stars – Sharlene Wells Hawkes