

Reunion is the trio Jim Pike, Gary Pike, and Ric de Azevedo. Jim was the organizer and a founding member of the famed "Lettermen" in 1960 with Bobby Engemann and Tony Butala. Jim's younger brother Gary joined the Lettermen replacing retiring Bobby Engemann in 1967. Jim retired from the Lettermen in 1975. In 1983, Jim and Bobby invited Ric to join them in creating "Reunion." In 1997 Gary joined Reunion replacing Bobby Engemann once again.

Bobby was born February 19, 1935 in Highland Park, Michigan.  Jim was born November 6, 1936 in St. Louis, Missouri and was raised in Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, and Salmon, Idaho. Jim left the Lettermen in 1975 because he lost his voice. He spoke in whispers for years that followed. The doctors told him he would never sing again. In 1982, he was called to be a councilor to the bishop of his ward who happened to be Ric's brother Lex de Azevedo. But Jim was afraid to speak at the pulpit because of his voice. His stake president promised him that as long as he was serving the Lord he would be understood. When Jim first stood to address the ward as the new councilor, to his surprise, his voice opened up and he spoke in rich normal tones. His wife Sue started crying, and it was a testimony builder for all. From this experience, Jim was encouraged to sing again. Jim and Sue have one daughter Kelly who is autistic, but also sings beautifully. They have recently moved from Big Bear Lake, California to Prescott, Arizona.

Gary was born July 31, 1944 in Twin Falls, Idaho and raised in Idaho Falls and Salmon, Idaho. Gary and his wife Sharon had three children. Sharon was later diagnosed with Leukemia. Gary prayed intensely and faithfully for her life, but she died on July 5, 2004. Some of Gary's unbelieving friends chided him with questions like, "What do you think of God now?" Gary responded that he was accepting of Heavenly Father's decision to take her; he realized that she was needed on the other side. Gary further stated that for those who believe in God, the sting of death is a little easier to accept because we realize that we will be reunited later. Sue later introduced Gary to Becky while visiting Jim and Sue's ward. Gary and Becky were married in 2005. Becky has 5 adult children from a previous marriage, the youngest is attending BYU Idaho. Gary and Becky live in Sun Valley Hills, California.

Ric was born May 10, 1947 in and raised in Studio City, California. He was a member of the famed "King Family" television program in the 1960s and 70s. Ric and his wife Anna have 2 children. Ric is the brother of composer Lex de Azevedo, and sees himself as the comic relief of Reunion. Most of his teen years, Ric was not religiously involved. But when Lex asked him to be in the cast of his stage production of Saturday's Warrior, he became very close to other members of the cast who helped him to understand the importance of including the Gospel in his life. This is where he met Anna, and they were later married in 1975. Ric and Anna live in Fruit Heights, Utah.

My personal story about The Lettermen and Reunion - Carl Watkins

It was in the spring of 1961 as a junior in high school growing up in Lynwood, California, when I was traveling with my dad to a Dodgers baseball game at Dodgers Stadium. I remember having my portable transistor radio to my ear sitting in the front passenger seat listening to pop music from Tom Clay on KDAY-1580. He played this new song that totally thrilled me. And after it finished, Tom made such a fuss over it that he immediately played it again. I had never heard a DJ do that before! The song was called “The Way You Look Tonight” by a new group called “The Lettermen.” It immediately became my favorite song. When I later learned that two of the Lettermen, Bob and Jim, were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my heart leaped.  I knew that they had the same religious values as me.  From then on, I have been a Lettermen fan - nice looking guys in their mid-20’s; Bobby was the oldest. I longed for the day I would actually meet them. On the record jacket - left to right: Bobby Engemann, Jim Pike, Tony Butala.

The Way You Look Tonight
The Letterman - The Way You Look Tonight

In 1967 Bobby, with young children, became tired of touring the country and performing contantly. So he left the Lettermen, and Jim’s younger brother Gary Pike replaced Bobby.

In 1970 while I was attending Brigham Young University (BYU) and dating my future wife Linda, the Lettermen came to perform at a concert at BYU. Before the concert, they signed record albums at a store in Provo at the northeast corner of State Street and 1230 North. So I took my 22 Lettermen albums along with an album of a friend for them to sign. I got to meet them too. It was a great moment for me! The concert was terrific too!

In 1973, I was working as a DJ at KFXM-590 in San Bernardino, California, when Bobby Engemann called the station. I got to talk to him and he later took me to lunch to promote a new group he was managing called London Bridge. That was exciting to actually meet Bobby!

In 1983 I worked as a DJ at KLCY-94.1 in Salt Lake City, Utah. By this time Jim had lost his voice, which caused him to leave the Lettermen too. But Jim later regained most of his voice and formed "Star" with Bobby, Paul Engemann (Bobby’s nephew) and Tammy Johnson. I was the master of ceremonies (MC) when "Star" performed at the Cherish Restaurant in Salt Lake City. Once again, I got to meet Bobby and get reacquainted with Jim. A short time later Bobby and Jim invited Ric de Azevedo (Lex de Azevedo's brother) to join with them in forming “Reunion,” implying a Lettermen reunion. How ironic! There were now more original Lettermen in Reunion than there were in the Lettermen, and they sounded just like the original Lettermen.

In the 90s, Bobby had some health problems which forced him to leave Reunion. So once again Gary who had replaced Bobby in the “Lettermen” replaced Bobby in “Reunion” too. In 2004, I was working as a DJ for KGTM in Idaho Falls, Idaho. “Reunion” came to Idaho Falls to perform in concert, and I interviewed them on the air. I met Ric for the first time, and got reacquainted with Jim and Gary. Over the years I have become good friends with all of them. Gary emails me regularly now.

Bobby’s wife, Bettie, passed away in April 2010, and it has been a lonely time for Bobby who turned 75.

Update - January 20, 2013

I received an email today from Gary who is passing this on from his brother Jim and Jim's wife, Sue.

Dear Friends,

We received a phone call at 12:43 am this morning telling us that our sweet Bobby had passed away. How blessed we are to our Heavenly Father for the life of Bob Engemann. Jim and Bobby were as close as if they were brothers. He was such a talented man. His name will go down in history as a founding member of The Lettermen. What a kind, giving man that was always an example for good. We will let you know when his service will be. We’re assuming and hoping that it will be next Saturday. We have a concert in Utah on Friday night for Gov. Herbert.

Bobby is at peace, not suffering from ill health, and is with Betty.

Jim and Sue

Update - June 9, 2019

I received another email from Gary.

Carl, Jim just passed away a little while ago of complications from Parkinson's. He will be interred in Prescott, Arizona.

I replied, "I'm so sorry to hear that! What a great legend he left us! I will do a mention on Sounds of Sunday next Sunday and play a Reunion song."

Jim was 82 years old.

Update - June 12, 2019

The following email forwarded from Gary:

Dear friends and family,

Our sweet Jim has gone on to be with Heavenly Father. He went home on Sunday evening, June 9th. What a comfort to know he was greeted with open arms by loved ones.

Memorial Services will be held:

Prescott National Cemetery
June 24th
3:00 pm
VAMC, 500 Hwy 89 North
Prescott, AZ 96313

There will be a casual gathering after the service where we look forward to exchanging memories of Jim.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
1101 Sandretto Dr.
Prescott, AZ 86305

We realize that distances and life circumstances may make it difficult to attend, but just know that we have felt everyone’s love during this time and all are welcome. If you can attend, please RSVP by replying to this e-mail so we can prepare for seating and a light supper.

Sue and Kelly

(Sue is Jim's wife and Kelly is their daughter)

From the Deseret News - February 5, 2013

Robert "Bobby" Phillip Engemann was a member of the Lettermen, a group that harmonized its way into the hearts of fans across the world, producing 20 singles, 46 albums, nine gold albums and five Grammy nominations.

Billboard Magazine named the Lettermen the top "adult contemporary and romantic group of all time." The trio's popularity was so great that NASA left a Lettermen recording in a time capsule on the moon as a representation of America's popular music.

But after his passing on Jan. 20, 2013, Engemann left a far greater legacy than his singing through the way he lived his religion and loved his family.

"He was a pillar of faith," Bobby's son Danny Engemann said. "He had an uncanny ability to share the gospel. He could talk to anyone, of any religious diversity or background. He was a people person. He had the ability to let you know he cared about you."

Engemann was born in Highland Park, Mich., on Feb. 19, 1935. Later in life he attended Brigham Young University, served in the U.S. Air Force and went on a two-year mission to Minnesota for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While at BYU, Bobby, his older brother Karl and Karl's wife, Gerri, formed a singing group called The Engemann Trio. The group performed some, but it was in the late '50s when Engemann and fellow BYU alumnus Jim Pike teamed up with Tony Butala, a former Mitchell Boys Choir member, to form the Lettermen.

By that time, Karl was in the music industry working with Warner Bros. Records and eventually transferred to Capitol Records. Karl was the gateway the trio was looking for.

The group sold thousands of records with hits such as "The Way You Look Tonight," "Theme From A Summer Place," "Goin' Out of My Head/ Can't Take My Eyes Off of You Medley" and many more.

"Jeanette and I fell in love as we listened to that great music," Utah Gov. Gary Herbert stated in a letter to the Engemann family.

But even as the group's popularity continued to grow, Bobby was never swayed to change his standards or beliefs.

"He's one of the most Christlike men I know," Bobby's good friend Carl Bacon said. "He was a man of faith who loved the church."

"He always took advantage to teach and share the gospel," Danny said. "I had friends during high school come over and we would be getting ready to go to a football game and he would read a few scriptures with us before we left. Whatever he happened to be studying that day he would say, 'Oh, let me show you how neat this is; this is so cool.' There were times though that those messages were a little more focused if he was concerned about what would happen that night, just so if faced with temptation we would recall that message before."

Bobby even viewed his Lettermen opportunity as a way to share what he believed.

"He always felt that while he was on the road that he was an ambassador for the church," Danny said. "When he went on the road he always took extra (copies of the) Book of Mormon to hand out. He was always prepared to share the gospel. He was a missionary first his whole life."

Grenade Curran, a longtime friend, explained that it was always in Bobby's nature to stay true to the standards of the LDS Church. In fact, rather than celebrating the end of a concert by going to a bar as most performers did, Curran said Bobby would simply go out to get ice cream instead.

When he was on the Ed Sullivan show he had the same kind of offers," Curran said. "Sometimes it would get pushed on him and he would say, 'Oh, no thanks, don't drink.' Then the question would come up, 'Bob, you don't drink, you don't smoke, you don't drink coffee?' He would say no, and their next comment would be: 'Bob, are you a Mormon?' He always replied, 'Yup, proud to be one.'"

Bobby was prepared for what fame would bring him because he anchored his beliefs early.

"He set boundaries ahead of time," Danny said. "At a young age he had an elevated eternal perspective. He had some powerful experiences on his mission that really anchored his faith."

Eventually, Bobby and Curran planned a double date, the date on which Bobby first met Betty Crail. The two hit it off, and although Betty was attending BYU while Bobby was recording in California, they corresponded back and forth and were eventually married in the Los Angeles California Temple.

Bobby and Betty traveled with the group for many years, even after they started their family.

"Even when he was on the road he would take his own car," Bobby's oldest son Andrew said. "He wanted to drive his family instead of being on the bus with all the other guys."

Danny explained that spending time with his family was very important to his dad. Andrew recalled sitting in an LDS stake high council meeting with his father when he accidentally swallowed a nickel.

"If he couldn't take his kids somewhere he had a hard time wanting to go," Danny said. "He would drag his heels. Most of the time he would take us with him. He was just like that. People knew if he was coming his kids were probably coming."

Because of his love for his family, Bobby soon decided that being on the road for nine months out of the year was not the lifestyle for him.

"He left the road simply because he wanted to be a family man," Danny said. "It was more important for him to have his family then to be out on the road making money."

Once Bobby left the Lettermen in 1968, he began working for several music and TV productions such as Scooby Doo. Bobby also ran Independent Recording Studios where records were made by artists like the Osmond Brothers, Paul Anka, the Beach Boys and many others.

"I remember one time looking through records with my friends and we had found one of dad's records," Andrew said. "One of the girls pulled it out and said, 'Oh look, it's your dad's record' and some older lady was like, 'Oh my gosh!' She couldn't believe it, and to me it was like, 'That's just Dad. What do you mean?' It's funny how you live with someone like that but his lifestyle didn't show anything like someone who made 26 albums. He was more concerned how everyone else was doing."

And if it wasn't in the studio, it was on the ball field. Bobby had a love for sports, baseball especially, and was continually involved in his kids' activities.

"My dad coached every team I was ever on, whether it was basketball, football or baseball," Danny said. "We had an undefeated flag football team, and we never had a touchdown scored on us unless we were asked to by my dad or Uncle Karl or the other guys that helped out."

Bobby eventually moved his family to Provo to work at his alma mater, BYU. During his time as a development officer, he raised funds for many projects, such as the construction of LaVell Edwards Stadium.

"He cherished being here at BYU," Danny said. "You could not say anything bad about BYU around him — or about the church. That was probably the one thing he got upset about."

Later on in life, Bobby and former Lettermen singer Jim Pike formed another group with Ric de Azevedo called Reunion. In 2001, the original Lettermen also joined together onstage as they were inducted into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame.

Even though his accolades were many, Bobby was recognized more for what he did off-stage.

"He was a devoted family man who retired from the Lettermen near the height of the group’s popularity to spend more time with his wife Betty and their children," Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch wrote in a letter read at the funeral service Jan. 26. "He was active in the community and a faithful member of his church — someone whose love, compassion and service to others endeared him to everyone."

A letter from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve was also read at the service.

Bobby's devotion to his faith and family was evident at the funeral. Each of his children gave their own remarks about their father in which each mentioned his faithfulness and love for their family. A testimony was offered by each child as they credited their father with teaching them the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Karl commented on his younger brother's faithfulness, stating that he was always set an example to him, even though he was the older brother.

"One of his last concerns," Karl remarked at the funeral service, "was that his tithing was current. He checked it and it was."

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