The locations of the lands mentioned in the Book of Mormon have long been of interest. Many have claimed them to be in the Yucatan of Mexico and other parts of Central America. A newly released book entitled Proof by Gary Magnesen provides strong new evidence from exhaustive inquiry and DNA findings of a large ancient civilization in upstate New York.
Knowledge of biblical geography gives substance and understanding to the remarkable events of the Bible. Proof by Gary Magnesen provides even more detailed geographical context for the Book of Mormon.
Proof not only provides 51 exclusive insights, and unearths new evidence pinpointing the exact geographical areas, but also proves that places mentioned in the Book of Mormon jibe perfectly with evidence found exclusively in New York State.
Additional Details
"Proof" by Gary Magnesen provides strong new evidence of a large ancient civilization in upstate New York.
To purchase this book, email Gary Magnesen at: prooflands@gmail.com
Are Not in Central America