Two thousand years ago a white man walked from tribe to tribe among the American nations. He came to Peru from the Pacific; He traveled through South and Central America, among the Mayans, into Mexico, and all of North America, and then back to ancient Tula from whence he departed across the Atlantic to the land of his origin. He spoke a thousand languages, healed the sick, and taught the same words as Jesus Himself.
The legends of this great prophet were gathered over a twenty-five-year period from many Indian tribes, museums, libraries, folklore, and archaeological ruins by archaeologist L. Taylor Hansen, and they are now compiled into the book He Walked The Americas. These legends correlate with the claims of the New Testament that Jesus is the Christ.
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He Walked The Americas is available in hardbound cover for $22.95 + $4.99 for shipping and handling in the United States. Receive your copy as soon as possible via U.S. Mail by sending your name and mailing address with a check for $27.94 to:
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