Jarica Jamison was raised in Logan, Utah and she now lives in Smithfield.
Music has been a passion of hers ever since she can remember! She has been singing ever since she has been able to talk!
Since 2023, music has become a really prevalent part of her life! Jarica was picked to be the 2023 Youth Theme Singer for the Church of Jesus Christ's Youth Album! All through 2023, she traveled all over Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming doing firesides for youth conferences, camps, stakes, even multi-stake firesides! Doing all these firesides was such a testimony builder for Jarica. It brought her so much closer to the Savior and taught her so many meaningful lessons. There were some hardships, but she learned who she is, a Daughter of God who understood just a little bit more of her purpose in this life.
Since last year, her music has continued to climb and she has had so many opportunities to perform. Including singing on another song for the 2024 Youth Album, and still getting to work with the church! Multiple songwriters have also reached out to Jarica to record their songs! Jarica is also a songwriter and has all of her music released on all streaming platforms! She has so many more songs in the works which she can hardly wait to release!
Jarica is so grateful for everything that has happened for her this past year and that will continue to happen. She is thankful for every growing experience, and how often she has been thrown out of her comfort zone. None of this would have been possible if she weren't willing to grow and become closer to the Savior!
Jarica says, "If I do anything on this earth of importance, it will be to continue to develop my talents and most importantly, teach of Him and His gospel."