Janice Kapp Perry

Janice Kapp Perry

Janice Kapp Perry has lived with her husband Doug for over 45 years in Provo, Utah. They have 5 children and have had many foster children. Janice received musical training at Brigham Young University (BYU), and has written over 1,000 songs spanning over 30 years, many of which appear in Primary Hymnbooks of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She has produced many cantadas, full length musicals, and over 70 albums.

She retired from singing in The Tabernacle Choir in the year 2000. Now in her 80s and Doug diseased, Janice continues to write songs about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Story Behind "A Child's Prayer"

The Story Behind "Love Is Spoken Here"


For more information about Janice Kappy Perry, visit JaniceKappPerry.com.

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