April Meservy is from Reno, Nevada. She has recorded many songs for EFY and other producers. She sang in Salt Lake City's Olympic Square duing the 2002 Winter Olympics.
April shares some personal thoughts:
"Regardless of whether we want it, change happens to all of us. It can be difficult. It can be beautiful. Many times it's both. I am grateful that change is an opportunity to define myself - give me a stronger sense of who I am and who I can become. Above all, I am grateful to my Father in Heaven who allows me to continually learn and feel things through music. I really hope that others can feel a connection to these songs. I'm convinced that change has the power to ultimately refine and lift us to be better than we were - and that is so amazing to me."
April Meservy is available from Deseret Book.
For more information about April and her music, visit AprilMeservy.com.